
Volkssport Links

Internationaler Volkssportverband – International Federation of Popular Sports (IVV)
IVV is the parent body of volkssporting. They coordinate volkssport events in over 60 countries around the globe. Events include walking, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.  Go to their website to learn about events and activities in all volkssporting countries.

Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) Formed in 1986, CVF has over 30 member clubs plus three provincial organizations, and sponsors hundreds of events across the country each year. Go to their website to learn more about Canadian volkssport programs, clubs and events in other parts of Canada.

Evergreen State Walking Club (Washington State, USA)

British Columbia Links

Tourism British Columbia The official website for tourism in BC

BC Ferries. Routes and schedules

Trails BC. The Trails Society of BC

Other Walking Links